An Author’s World

Welcome to July’s ‘Readerly Ramblings,’ the monthly blog I write to keep in touch with my readers.

For those of you who prefer to listen and watch, you can also catch this by clicking on the link below, to watch it as a video on my YouTube channel.

Free Audio Book

Firstly - a freebie for fans of audio books.  Because I’m a new author to the Audible platform, I’m trying to build up my reviews on there.

If this is something you could help with, please drop me a line and I will send you a FREE promotional code to download ‘Don’t Call me Mum’ or ‘The Last Cuckoo.’ (or both!)

Personally, I love Audible.  As I’m always super-busy, being a subscriber ensures I can always have a book to listen to, even whilst I’m driving, ironing or going for a walk.

Have you heard of BookBub?

Whilst I’m talking about services to readers, I’ve recently joined  I’ve only just come across it, and now receive a daily email with recommendations according to my reading preferences.  Most books are free, 99p, or £1.99, so my Kindle is pretty loaded up at the moment.

I’ve been so impressed with Bookbub, as a reader, that I’ve joined as a writer too – if you do happen to pop across there, you will see that being a ‘new author’ on there, that I’ve got hardly any followers yet, so please look for me and hit the follow button!

Number One Bestseller

It is you fabulous readers who have contributed to this, so I would love to share my exciting number one bestseller success with you.  I was over the moon to get to number one in an Amazon sub category.

I wrote the first edition of ‘Don’t Call Me Mum back in 2010, and after years of just languishing at the bottom of the charts, all it took was a new cover and a bit of an edit to get it up there.

Thank you to all of you who have bought or downloaded it as part of your Kindle Unlimited Subscription.  All my novels are freely available as part of your subscription if you are a Kindle Unlimited member.

Left Hanging

July has been a really busy month – I’m just putting the finishing touches to ‘Left Hanging,’ click below to pre-order.

Advance Reader Team

If you would like to join my Advance Reader Team, you can receive a free advance copy of ‘Left Hanging,’ and have a say in the finalising of the manuscript, before it goes forward for publication. click below to join.

Being part of the team also puts you in the draw for a fabulous Reader’s Yorkshire-themed goody bag.  Make sure you join before the end of the month, if you’re interested!  I am so grateful to all the readers already in the team.  Not only do they help with the finalising, they are also there with early reviews and to help spread the word about new releases.  Thank you!

New Poetry Collection

My other new release is ‘Poetry for the Newly Married 40 Something: How to Get From Tinder to Altar.' I told you that I’m having a busy month!

If you’re someone who enjoys poetry, check it out by clicking below.

An Author’s World

The theme of Readerly Ramblings this month, is ‘being part of an author’s world,’ and for me this is something that I really value about the relationship with my readers.

Gone are the days where we authors hide behind computer screens and just come out on book launch day.  These days we can be everywhere, and I love it.

Since I’ve released my three novels this year, my subscribers have grown on YouTube, my followers have increased on Twitter, and more and more people are engaging with my Facebook page.  When I run Facebook ads, I’m even able to build reader/author relationships with the readers who take the time to ask questions or post comments on the ads.

What I love the most, (apart from 5 star reviews on Amazon!) is when readers get in touch with me directly, by email, through my website, or through messaging me on social media.

They tell me that my novels elicit feeling and emotion, particularly ‘Don’t Call Me Mum;’ I’ve had messages from other mums coping with ADHD children and their severe behavioural problems, and have been told that my memoir gives these mums hope, and makes them feel less alone.

'The Man behind Closed Doors' and 'The Last Cuckoo' have elicited messages from people in toxic family situations; it seems that shining a light on the darkness that can exist ‘behind closed doors,’ can open up conversations and empower people to reach out.

I also get messages saying that a book I’ve written has kept someone reading into the early hours, or they really didn’t see an ending coming – as an author, that sort of thing is music to my ears.

So, what I’m trying to say but I am obviously rambling (my blog is called Readerly Ramblings, after all!) is that with my readers who message, review and connect with me on social media, and those who have chosen to join my advance reader team, I have built my own community, which I’m over the moon to have brought together.

Whilst my favourite thing is to write and create, I would not want to be an author of old, anonymously tapping away and churning out books.  Part of the fun is the community side too!  So, keep your messages coming, even if only to say hello – I absolutely love to hear from my readers.

Until next month …

Maria Frankland