Has your writing stalled?

Hi there and a very warm welcome to August’s Writerly Witterings.  I hope you’re having an amazing summer and enjoying lots of uninterrupted writing time.

If not, if you feel like you’ve stalled, then this month I’m going to talk about how to re-start your writing. Even if you haven’t stalled, the suggestions I make for re-starting things can benefit any writer.

Writing requires a huge amount of self discipline, especially with so many other things competing for your attention.

From day jobs, to family commitments and just finding the creative energy, it’s little wonder that it’s tricky to keep going at times.

Free Book

Then there’s the big life events that happen - divorce, bereavement, house moves, etc and I have a free book on Amazon full of writing prompts to help you cope with these.

My dad died two years ago and I went for several months barely writing a word.  I was the same when I went through a divorce in 2013 and again at the start of the pandemic.  I’m sure you can list times when it’s been the same for you.

The most important thing is to accept that sometimes we do stall as writers – this can be for creative reasons, or for bigger ‘life’ sort of reasons. It's worth remembering that just because something has presented itself as an obstacle doesn’t mean it’s going to be lodged there forever.

Free Mini Writing Course

This month on YouTube, I’m offering a free ten-day mini writing course, called 'The Writer’s Block' which will identify 10 of the main blocks that can befall our writing and it offers some writing prompts to get going again.

Click below for the day one video.

What gets in YOUR way?

The first thing you could do is to identify what gets in YOUR way as a writer.  That identification will enable you to put things in place to overcome it.

Do share in the comments box below the video what your own obstacles and solutions are. We can all help each other!

You know how you feel when you’re not writing.  It’s as though something is missing from your life.  You’ve a yearning to get back to it, yet the further away you get from last time you wrote, the harder it is.

Tips to get going again

The aforementioned YouTube videos offer specific advice and prompts, but here are some general tips to get going again.

  • Start small. You don’t need to launch straight back into your half written novel.  Make some notes first.  Write a piece of flash fiction. Or a poem. Or a journal entry.
  • Read. This in itself will reawaken your creative energy and ignite that essence of story within you.
  • Get out and about to add fuel to your creativity. People watch, eavesdrop on conversations, absorb the environments you visit. Make sure you have your notebook ready.
  • Look online for current writing competitions. They often invite shorter pieces like a story or a poem but offer a topic and a deadline – great for getting going again.
  • Find a writing group – online or in person. There’s no greater incentive than being around other writers.
  • Schedule some short bursts of writing time. Look forward to them and plan beforehand how you might spend this precious time.
  • If you were halfway through a large project before life got in the way, read back over the notes you made and all your first draft material. Allow your words to be re-kindled within you.

If you can follow some of the ideas above, I promise you’ll soon be raring to dig out your notebook or dust off your laptop.  The important thing is to start slow and small and not put too much pressure on yourself.

Once a writer – always a writer and you WILL get going again. You know as well as I do that being a writer is in the blood, and once you start, you can’t stop.

Support and Motivation

If you’d benefit from more structured support and regular motivation, look no further than my year-long online writing courses.  I will be beside you every step of the way as you write a collection of short stories, a collection of poems, your life story or a novel - you choose!

The courses achieve a finished book through a combination of video, helpsheets, writing activities and regular output suggestions, and as you'd expect, come with a 30 day money back guarantee, and an instalment option.

If you’re interested in any of them, you can try a free session by visiting the appropriate webpage. (Click here for more info,) and the free sessions are downloadable from the bottom of each course’s page.  I also have a free writer’s goodie bag, pictured below for writers who join.

As you may know, my ethos as a creative writing teacher is to inspire, motivate and support.  If there is anything you’d like me to cover in these blog posts or in my YouTube videos, do let me know in the comments and I’ll schedule it in.

Enjoy the rest of your writing month and I’ll see you next time. I release a new blog post on the 8th of every month.

Bye for now and happy writing.

With very best wishes,


PS: This blog post is also available as a YouTube video.


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