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I've linked the distribution of these 16 help sheets to 'buying me a coffee!' Here's how it works...
Click here to visit my 'BuyMeACoffee' page.
Drop me an email to let me know which helpsheets for writers you would like.
If you've bought me 1 coffee, you can request links to 5 of these helpsheets.
If you've bought me 2 coffees, you can request links to 10 of these helpsheets.
And if you've bought me 3 coffees, I'll send you all 16 downloads.
Thank you so much for your awesome support!
With best wishes, Maria

Editing and Tightening your Writing

Creating Characters

Setting and Atmosphere

Show, Don't Tell





Story Openings

Story Endings

Writing a Synopsis

Writing your Cover Letter

Your Writing Space

Time to Write

How to Get Published