What are your 3 favourite domestic thrillers (by any author) of all time?
To be honest, before reading your books, I wouldn’t have normally read domestic thrillers. Since getting into this genre I now also read books by K.L.Slater.
Why do you like domestic thrillers?
I like the real-life aspect of them - they are believable, you can imagine yourself in that world. I haven’t experienced the horrors of your books thankfully, but I have experienced some of the behaviours lol. I like the suspension you build into your books.
Do you prefer eBook, print or audio?
I always said I’d never have a kindle, but I travel with work and will often have multiple books on the go - a thriller, a self-help, a business book - so the kindle is convenient. But… I absolutely love (and prefer) a brand new printed book. The possibilities, the smell of the pages, the anticipation - just wonderful.
Which fictional domestic thriller character (in any book) have you cared about the most?
The victim in Frenemy - very true to life and had shades of an experience I had- lol.
Which fictional domestic thriller character have you hated about the most?
The killer in the dark water series - snide nasty piece of work - fabulous character but very easy to hate!
What are your thoughts on prologues?
Never given it much thought tbh - I don’t mind them either way. I do like at the end of a book getting a sneak preview of the next book/other available books.
Series or Standalone?
Love both.
Do you prefer an ending where everything is tied up, or one where you can infer what might happen next?
Oooo great question… I have quite a tidy mind so if I had to choose I’d say everything is tied up……and I don’t have a very active imagination for inference.
And what are your thoughts on epilogues?
Love them - tidy mind syndrome
How many books do you read each month on average?
Depends how busy work is/how often I am away but on average I’d say minimum 2. Would love to read more.
Which domestic thriller do you wish you could read again for the first time?
The first one in your series - was it Yorkshire Dipper? That’s what got me into your writing in the first place.
How many books do you have on the go at once?
At least 3
Favourite place to read?
Anywhere! Love reading on the sofa, no telly, no sound, other half is out. Also love reading in the bath of a hotel room when away with work.
Favourite Time to Read?
First thing on a morning, I get up very really 5am ish so everything is quiet then - perfect for disappearing into a book.
Coffee or tea? Or something stronger?
Definitely not alcohol when reading, don’t like tea, probably have 1 coffee a day so probably nothing to drink while reading.
Thanks again to Kelly Hepworth - I've loved getting to know you a little better and am looking forward to getting to know even more of you in the coming months.