It’s time for my reader of the month feature.
This month it’s the turn of Carina Powers who is answering some bookish questions and introducing us to her gorgeous reading buddy, Nala.
She has chosen Frenemy as her free signed paperback – a thank you for taking part.

What are your 3 favourite domestic thrillers (by any author) of all time?
The Couple at Table Six - Daniel Hurst
Frenemy - you
The Housemaid - Freida McFadden
Why do you like domestic thrillers?
I love the suspense and the mental game that is played with everyday life.
Do you prefer eBook, print or audio?
I prefer ebook as it's easier on my eyes but who doesn't love the smell of a printer book!
Which fictional domestic thriller character have you hated about the most?
Jamie (the hubby) in How to Destroy Your Husband - Jess Kitching.
What are your thoughts on prologues?
I love prologues. You get a little tease before it begins.
Series or Standalone?
I like either, depends on the story.
Do you prefer an ending where everything is tied up, or one where you can infer what might happen next?
I like having it tied up unless there's a planned sequel.
And what are your thoughts on epilogues?
Love having epilogues! Especially with an additional twist coming from left field!
How many books do you read each month on average?
That's hard. Depends on the month. I'm going to say around 12-15.
Which domestic thriller do you wish you could read again for the first time?
I actually have never read a book twice so I don't have an answer for this one.
How many books do you have on the go at once?
Oh only 1. I would get so confused lol!
Favourite place to read?
In bed all comfy with my blanket but my second spot is on my couch, reclined with a blanket.
Favourite Time to Read?
I love reading in the evening but I will take any minute I can get.
Coffee or tea? Or something stronger?
Tea hands down! Green, Mint, Earl Gray to name a few.
Thanks again Carina – it’s lovely to get to know you better and your free book, Frenemy, is on its way.
I’ll be choosing March’s Reader of the Month next week so keep an eye on your inboxes…