Death of the Author Death of the Author is a term I often refer to in my teaching of creative…
How To End Your Novel I recently ran a writing retreat called ‘Finish your Novel and Get it Published.’ This…
Follow this link for more details of ‘Finish your Novel and Get it Published’ spa and writing retreat – 22-23…
Follow the link here for a more in-depth blog post on using social media to promote yourself as a writer…
Turn your Writing Dreams into Reality Get your Poetry Collection Published! Be Inspired and Motivated to Overcome all Your Writing…
‘Write a Poem as Therapy‘ Workshop and Poetry Reading Date:Saturday 15th September (1:00-3:00) Venue: Ilkley Library FREE EVENT! Booking Advisable (Contact Ilkley…
Write Your Life Story Pudsey (Leeds) Thursday afternoons 1-3. Click here for more info. Write a Collection of Short Stories…
Achieve your Writing Dreams Inspiration, Motivation and Support from Planning to Publication. Write a book in just SIX Months £195…
My poetry collection ‘Poetry for the Newly Single 40 Something’ contains these forms and many more. If you have an…