Turn your Writing Dreams into Reality
Get your Poetry Collection Published!
Be Inspired and Motivated to Overcome all Your Writing Hurdles
In just SIX months, you will have a Publishable Poetry Collection
£195 for the 26 week course with bonus materials

This Course will Fit Into Your Life
You choose when you write – and discover whether you’re an early bird or a night owl.
You decide where you work – you may carve out a writing space at home or sit out in the sun.
At last, you will be supported to reach for your goal – to create your own poetry book.
I will give you the tools and techniques to write wonderful poetry.
At every stage of the course and beyond, you won’t be alone.
Writing will become a regular part of your world.
For 26 weeks, you will receive your session each week. (with three bonus sessions at the end about traditional publishing)

Get Started Straight Away – For Just £7.50 per Weekly Session
Why wait? Sign up now and get started.
You will receive the first session straight to your inbox. Prepare to feel proud of yourself – the course structure will ensure completion of your poetry collection in six months.
Editing and submission advice will be given so you’re ready to market directly to your readers using the ‘indie publishing’ option or you will be supported to go down the traditional route and submit to publishers.

My Risk-Free Promise
You will love this course and it will help you achieve your dream of being a published poet.
I am so confident of this that I promise a full refund within the first 30 days, should you decide it’s not for you.
Imagine …
The enjoyment you will have as your collection of poetry grows.
The anticipation when you begin sending your work to publishers.
The excitement when you receive your publishing contract.
The pride as you hold your book in your hands.
The joy of signing copies for people at your launch event.
The thrill of earning an income from your creative passion.
Described as ‘Weightwatchers’ for Writers, each session costs £7.50 (course cost £195)
For this you have:
The guarantee that you will have a completed collection of poetry within six months if you follow the guidance
Comprehensive weekly notes and activities, delivered straight to your in-box for 26 weeks.
Tutor and Peer access through an on-line forum Facebook Account Necessary
Lots of motivational hints and tips to ensure you achieve your dream.
Professional advice and expertise to ensure your collection is the best it can be.

This Course Will Ensure you complete your Poetry Collection
• It will enable you to find a time and put in place a routine for your writing.
• It will show you where to start.
• It will develop your knowledge of poetry.
• It will help you to hone your skills as a writer.
• This course will help you to keep going with your collection and see it through to completion.
• You will learn about the poetry industry and how to get noticed.
Write a Collection of Poetry in Six Months
Part One – Planning and Getting Started:
Deciding on a theme and gathering material.
Looking at other poets and theory in relation to form, structure and content.
Drafting first batch of poems.
Part Two –
Building your Collection:
Developing and honing poetry skills such as pace and imagery
Continuing to draft and re-draft new poems
Part Three
The Professional Poet:
Editing, presentation, outlets for poetry and publication.
Living, networking and promotion as a Writer
You will complete a draft of at least one to two poems each week therefore will have a collection of 26 to 52 poems by the end of the course.

Course Cost £195
Also available …
Access to a closed on-line (Facebook) forum overseen by the Course Tutor. Valuable for sharing ideas, issues and offering opinion on each other’s work.
Optional professional manuscript appraisal service with proof reading and copy editing service at discounted rate at end of course.
There are Two Ways to Write your Poetry Collection
1. The Hard Way
- Using your own motivation and discipline to stay on task
- Finding advice and inspiration in books and on-line
- Asking friends/family to provide a second opinion on work
- Finding other writers with whom to share experiences
- Finding your own way through the many aspects that culminate in a best selling collection
2. The Easy Way
- Never facing the ‘blank page’ – as you will be inspired and taught new techniques throughout the course.
- Knowing that motivational advice is all in one place, week after week
- The option of a professional critique
- A forum of others all working through the same course and using a similar approach to achieve their poetry collection
- A knowledge that you will be supported from idea generation through to publication and beyond.
The Best Investment you can Make in Your Writing Dream
Learn how to Live as a Writer Commonly Asked Questions
Will I really write a Collection of Poems within Six Months?
Yes! If you follow my prescribed method of regular writing. Each session will contain a warm-up activity and the inspiration and guidance to complete a further one to two poems.
A pamphlet length collection usually consists of 18-25 poems and a full collection consists of 45-60 poems so completion of a collection of either length is easily attainable through following this online writing course.
Won’t I need a lot of discipline to get going?
Not discipline, more desire. You will probably find that once you start, you won’t be able to bear to stop. You will find yourself conjuring poetry as you go about your life and noticing things more that you can use in your writing.
How will it fit into my lifestyle?
I send the 26 weekly sessions to your in-box every Monday. It’s up to you what day and time of day you access them. You decide when you complete the exercises, arranging your time when your writing will fit in with your other commitments. I offer guidance around this.
Isn’t it isolating trying to work on my own?
Writing is a solitary activity so later in the course, I provide information about networking as a writer, both online and socially.
Also, as a course participant, you will gain access to the Facebook forum with other participants of the ‘Write a Poetry Collection Course,’ where you can swap and share ideas, thoughts, news and gain feedback on each other’s work. I also dip into this group and can be contacted through it, or by email.
What if I change my mind?
The course is one of the few online writing courses that come with a risk-free 30 day money back guarantee. An introductory session can also be tried for free, prior to making any payment whatsoever.
How will I know what to do with it once I have written it?
In the latter stages of the course, guidance is given around preparing and presenting your poetry manuscript for submission to get it published along with guidance about independent publishing and traditional publishing.
How will I know if what I am writing is any good?
All writers have this doubt. I recently saw a tweet from JK Rowling expressing this! As you progress through the course and your writing skills improve, your poetry will strengthen along with your voice as a poet. Writing is a craft and the course will equip you to improve and be able to self-assess and edit till your manuscript is as polished as can be.
What if I want some feedback on my work?
The group forum is ideal for this or you can use my manuscript appraisal service once you have completed the course, once you have got your collection of poetry to the best possible place it can be first.
If you have any further questions that haven’t been covered in this list or want any help with anything then drop me a line [email protected]
This could be the best decision you ever make as a writer
Imagine holding your poetry collection in your hands
This is a clear and flexible, programme offering an introduction to a variety of poetry in its diverse forms.
It develops skill as a poet and shows not only how to write but how to present work professionally.
It also offers a range of tools and techniques for use in our own poetry.
I am looking forward immensely to the rest of the course.” J Wickes, Leeds
“The weekly sessions have helped me become more disciplined as a writer.
I have now have a full collection written and am ready to start submitting to publishers.
It has been a brilliant course overall, well-structured and truly inspirational. Thanks!” Judith, Otley
I’m half way through this course and finding it inspirational and encouraging. Each week brings something new to get me thinking and working creatively with words.
I’ve been writing poems for years but never with any formal teaching or support. I love finding out about different ways to use rhyme and structure in a poem, and reading example poems that are sent with the sessions. I’m writing in ways that I would never have known about before.
The course is well-paced to fit in with the demands of my working life and other commitments. I’m sure I’ll continue to enjoy it and I’m so glad I found it! Maggie, Leeds
It was by pure chance that I found this poetry course, which could not have appeared at a more apt moment, at a time when I was seeking both solace, and a challenge.
I have now completed the course and am thrilled with my achievements. I have somehow dug deep to discover that I truly have it in me to get published.
I have regained my confidence and feel I have nearly achieved my goals. Maria is the perfect tutor, not only due to her background as teacher and author. She also has the ability to bring a writer’s inner passion for writing to the fore in a natural, unassuming way.
She is helpful, informative, encouraging and passionate in her love for writing and inspires this in other writers. I would recommend this course without hesitation. Ruth, Ilkley
I have for as long as I can remember, had an urge to write and was excited to discover an opportunity to join a writing course led by Maria Stephenson.
It is without doubt one of the best things I have ever done and has enriched my life in many ways. I am finding things about myself I wasn’t aware of and have been inspired by the skill and enthusiasm of the course tutor.
Maria is an encouraging teacher and has a positive approach. Yvonne, Harrogate
the timeline of your poetry collection Get Started Today – for only £195
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