10 Ways to Generate Writing Ideas

Welcome to Writerly Witterings.  The response to last month’s blog post was great, and it was lovely to hear what you are  all working on in 2022.

Like I’ve said before, the very act of writing your writing aspirations down, along with communicating them makes them far more likely to come to fruition.

And of course, you must ensure that you love the journey as much as the intended destination.  Because it’s February, the month of love, I’m going to link to a post I wrote a year ago here - 'how to love what you do and how to love the writer you are…'

Starting this month, I’m going to be offering a 10 ways to… series.  This first post is going to suggest 10 ways to generate writing ideas.

10 Ways to Generate Writing Ideas

  1. Get out and about with a notebook. Writers notice things. It could be something in the landscape like an unexpected rainbow or a beach at sunset. Or you could note something interesting like the behaviour of people waiting in a queue. Anything you see as you go out and about can enrich your writing.
  2. Everywhere you go, take note of interesting looking characters where you could reinvent their lives to feature in your stories. You can take how they look and mould their personality and backstory into anything you want it to be.
  3. Eavesdropping is a writer’s best friend. Wherever you go, get as close as you dare and listen in. Snippets of overheard conversation are wonderful, as you can imagine what has led up to it and what might come next. Just don’t get yourself arrested!
  4. Whatever setting you find yourself in, take a few moments to bring it to life through the senses. You never know when there might be a call for it in your writing. Suggestions for settings are a park, waiting room, school, shop, salon, someone’s home and public transport.
  5. Pose 'what if's' at situations you find yourself in.  What if there was an earthquake? What if everyone got locked in? What if there was a power cut? The possibilities are endless.
  6. Make a list of the unique experiences you have lived through that you could pull into your writing. For example you could be someone who has travelled extensively, or moved house lots of times. You could have a story about overcoming adversity or you might have sat on a jury that has left you with a tale to tell.  Readers love insights into unseen places.
  7. Similarly, you could make a list of places that others might be less familiar with. Perhaps you work in an interesting location that you can bring to life or maybe you’ve visited a prison, or the houses of parliament. Any environment that might be alien to others can be used to your advantage.
  8. It’s another list – this time people. Who have you known over the years? Perhaps people who’ve inspired you or made you laugh.  It could even be someone you’ve learned a hard lesson from or has hurt you in some way. Bring elements of their appearance and character into your writing.
  9. The last list (I promise!) What situations have you found yourself in over the years? A ceremony that’s memorable in more ways than one perhaps, an appointment or interview. A first or last day. What situations are unique to you. What could you bring to your writing?
  10. I believe writer’s block is merely life getting in the way. Googling writing prompts will suggest more ideas than you can shake a stick at but even better, download my free book, Writing Inspiration, from Amazon.

So your task is now, to take one of the above ideas and run with it. Let me know in the comments how you get on.

And as if all that wasn’t enough, let me share details of what I’ll be offering this month on my YouTube channel.

First Monday 7th Fiction focus – how to write romantic fiction click here to watch

Second Monday 14th Poetry focus – how to write a love poem click here to watch

Third Monday 21st Writerly Witterings – a video version of this blog post click here to watch

Fourth Monday 28th Readerly Ramblings – a video version of the blog I write for readers of my psychological thrillers. Click here to watch

After reading my latest blog post, I’d be over the moon if you’d like to take one of the actions detailed below:

If I add value to your writing life, you could Buy me a Coffee – for every coffee you buy me in 2022, I’ll send you one of my help sheets for writers at the end of the year. There are sixteen to choose from.

Or, if you haven't already, join my 'keep in touch' list. You can then download the booklet pictured below:

Enjoy the rest of your writing month!

With best wishes, Maria