In this month’s Writerly Witterings blog post, I’m giving you ten ways to improve your writing space.
I hope that you’re having a great writing month so far.
My YouTube Channel
Just before I get started with this month’s main topic, I must mention my YouTube channel. There’s so much on offer there for writers at all stages of their writing journey; Motivation Monday, Writing Tip Tuesday, Writing Prompt Wednesday, Thriller Thursday and Freedom Friday.
I hope you’ll pop along and hit the subscribe button in order that you don’t miss any of it. I’ve also recorded this blog as a video which you can find by clicking below.
Book Giveaway
Whilst you’re here, I’ll mention my latest competition for writers. You may know that I have four how-to books for writers which are distilled versions of the year-long courses I have available. If you’d like to win one of these four, click the competition link here.
Each month this year, I’m focusing on the ‘ten ways to’ series. This month I’m giving you…
Ten Ways To Improve Your Writing Space.
We talk a lot about finding more writing time, indeed my Writerly Witterings video in February covered this but we rarely talk about space. So let’s give this month’s focus over to creating an inspirational peaceful place you will want to spend lots of time in and get some writing done!

This is important whether you are lucky enough, to have a writing ‘shed’ in your garden, or a smaller room like me! I know a couple of writers who have a shed and, of course, I am not at all envious! But from a shed to a ‘tray’ you use to keep everything portable and together, your space deserves as much attention as you can give it.
- Move your desk in front of a window. It’s fabulous to watch wildlife or just to watch the world go by. The weather and the colour of the outdoors will find its way into your work and you’ll feel more connected to things going on around you.
- Hang an inspirational picture where you can easily see it as you work. This could be a scene, a person, anything really.
- Surround yourself with books. For the aesthetics, for the smell, for the inspiration. Why shouldn’t your own book be shelved amongst them?
- Think about your ergonomics. Make sure your back, neck and head position is as it should be as you work. Consider things like a footrest and a laptop riser. I’ve recently bought a sit/stand desk to make my working day less sedentary.
- Make sure everything is comfortable for you. A cushion in the small of your back perhaps, a fan for the middle of summer. (Wishful thinking!) or a blanket for your shoulders in the winter.
- Add items you can use as ‘rituals’ for your writing. I light a scented candle and have dark mood music playing when I’m doing first draft work. You might find a notepad for some free-writing helps you find your creative muse.
- Have a quote on your wall – something related to writing. You could change it regularly as when something is seen too often or for too long, its meaning can become diluted. At the moment, mine is, she believed she could, so she did.
- Similarly, you could have a writing mantra on your wall, something that’s directly related to your own process and goals. For example: every day I’m getting closer to….
- Have everything you need to hand in your writing space, pens, reference materials, notes, post-it notes, etc.
- Really make it your own space. If you’re lucky enough to have a room of your own, paint it in your favourite colour, keep it clutter free, yet welcoming, make it a space you love.
Usually with these ‘ten ways to….’ blog posts, I offer a writing prompt but in this case, I’m going to invite you to implement as many of the above tips as are relevant and possible.
Facebook Group
Tell me in the comments which of these tips you carry out or better still, post a picture of your writing space into my group for writers on Facebook where responses to my videos and blog posts are shared. The link to join is here. It’s a lovely, friendly group and a great place for you to get to know other writers.
Keep in Touch
And if you’d like to keep in touch with me, you can do so by joining my ‘keep in touch’ list. The link is here and I’ll send you a free book to download, ‘The Seven Secrets to Achieving your Writing Dreams’ as a thank you for joining.
All that’s left to say is thank you again for your interest in my blog, do drop me a comment, if only to say hello, and let me know you’ve been here.
Happy Writing and I’ll be back with another ’10 Ways to… next month. Bye for now.
With best wishes, Maria Frankland
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